Other Activities

SABS Village Development Programme

The programme is designed to help women to become self-sufficient through home based projects such as growing vegetables, making and selling soap and soap lotions and brooms, growing income generating animals such as chicken, goats, rabbits etc. Arrangements are made for them to make weekly deposit and to borrow money for children’s education and other projects.

Grace Bhavan

In connection with the new provincial house, arrangements were made for single women to come and stay here in order to spend time in Adoration and prayers.

Jail Ministry

In order to help the people in the jail to come to know God, Holy Eucharist and prayers are conducted for them. Time is spent with them to give them spiritual guidance and hope in the future.

Government Hospital Ministery

Visit the poor patients in the hospital and give them financial aid, food and personal care kits.

Poor Girls Marriage

We help poor girls to get married and to start a family life.


An association of the Auto drivers to help them to have a good value system and to motivate them to be good to others especially their customers. Monthly prayers are conducted for them.


Counseling is made available for the people who are struggling with various problems. By helping them to remove the obstacles in the path of their growth, they are helped to attain self actualization.

Faith Formation and Vocation Promotion

Our sisters are actively involved in the faith formation programme organized in the Archdiocese. Sisters are prepared to offer service wherever their service is requested. A number of our sisters are actively involved in the Vocation Promotion program of the diocese. Frequent gatherings and seminars are conducted for them to add zeal to their operation.

On Going Formation

Religious formation is a life-long process and the sisters needed to receive timely guidance to deal with the problems in various stages. The sisters are encouraged to participate in the on-going formation programmes planed by the province. Besides doing so, there has been periodical classes, seminars and renewal programmes. Sisters are given classes and seminars according to their age group. Care has been taken to make the sisters aware of the various difficulties they encounter at various stages of their lives. Elderly sisters are given opportunity to stay in communities who would prepare them to deal with the difficulties that comes with age and illness. Spiritual guidance is made available to help them to encounter the last moments of their lives on earth.

Finance, Agriculture, Construction

Maximum care is given for the proper management of the financial resources of the province, to make our land produce maximum fruits and to make our construction works economical and efficient.

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