Province Administration


Province Administration

The administration of the province is carried out by the provincial Superior and provincial Council. They are responsible for conducting the canonical visit to each house and to study the situation of each sister in the province. They have to sanction all the major expenses of the house and directly supervise construction projects. The Provincial team also operated as a bridge between the Generalate and the convents. There are Local Superiors to handle the everyday affairs of the convents.

Photo Name Position
Mother Anila Mannoor Provincial Superior
Sr. Claris Ananiurumbil 1st Councillor
Sr. Theresa Punnackal 2nd Counselor
Sr.Daisy Udumbanattu 3rd Counselor
Sr. Roshini Unnikunnel 4th Counsellor
Sr. Mariet Chirayath Provincial Finance Officer
Sr. Tesmy Thekkel Provincial Secretary
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